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Unit: DXFConv


The Tsg2DEllipse class defines 2D ellipse entity. Note: it serves for the auxiliary purposes.


Tsg2DEllipse = class (Tsg2DArc)


IsAngleInParamThe property defines whether the Tsg2DArc.EndParam and Tsg2DArc.StartParam properties contain angle or parameter.
MajorPointThe property gets or sets an endpoint of major axis, relative to the center (in WCS).
Derived from Tsg2DArcDescription
CenterPointThe property gets or sets a center point of arc.
CounterClockWiseThe property gets or sets a direction of arc.
EndParamThe property gets or sets the end point of arc.
RadiusThe property gets or sets a radius of arc.
StartParamThe property gets or sets the start point of arc.
Derived from Tsg2DCurveDescription
CountThe property returns a quantity of the Tsg2DCurve object's points.
EdgeTypeThe property returns an edge type of the Tsg2DCurve object.
EndPointThe property returns the end point of the Tsg2DCurve object.
PointsThe property gets a point that belongs to the Tsg2DCurve object by its index.
StartPointThe property returns the start point of the Tsg2DCurve object.


CreateCreates an instance of the Tsg2DEllipse class object.
Derived from Tsg2DArcDescription
DestroyFrees up internal objects.